About Us
History of Argo
Argo Property Management Ltd. was founded in 1997 with a small initial portfolio of properties and only three employees. Under the leadership of the current President, Maria Rampino, since 2004 our portfolio has steadily grown to now over 50 properties consisting of industrial and commercial condominiums, private rental properties, and retail strip plazas. Our client base has grown throughout the Greater Toronto Area including the Cities of Brampton, Mississauga, Markham, Oakville, Toronto and Vaughan.
We are a service oriented and professional management company with over 48 years of combined experience, which is proudly family owned and operated. Members of our management team have been certified through the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario (ACMO) as Registered Condominium Managers. They are also active members of ACMO, the Canadian Condominium Institute (CCI), and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

Commercial Specialists
We specialize in the management of commercial and industrial condominiums and private rental properties (ex. Strip malls, retail plazas and industrial parks). We recognize that as a client you are likely a business owner or operator yourself. You need to rely on a team of professionals to that have the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to deliver efficient quality service while controlling your property’s costs, so that you can focus on your business.
Manage Costs
Keeping your condo’s operating costs under control in order to have affordable common expenses for all unit owners, while meeting the corporation’s reserve fund obligations, can be a challenge. Let us help by providing advice and expertise in your budgeting process, along with access to a great network of vendors with potential for cost savings and preferred rates.
Utilities can make up a large portion of the corporation’s operating budget. In consultation with qualified electricians and suppliers, many of our clients have undergone LED lighting retrofits for their exterior and common area lighting resulting in significant hydro savings. In addition, many lighting retrofit projects can have a payback period of less than 2-3 years over the cost of the initial investment in hardware with the combination of hydro savings and reduced maintenance costs. Some retrofit projects may even be eligible for rebates from your local utility provider.
Water can also be a significant cost to your condo corporation, particularly since most municipalities bill water to commercial and industrial condominiums on a bulk basis, by municipal address. We have assisted many of our clients with the purchase and installation of water sub-meters that not only reduces the cost of water by shifting it to the unit owners, but can be more competitive than signing a long-term contract with a sub-metering company. Click here for more details.

High Quality Vendors
There is strength in numbers! Having a large portfolio of properties allows us to approach vendors and service providers to negotiate preferred pricing based on our overall relationship with them instead of an individual basis.
Through our years of experience we have built a large network of contacts with many different service providers including contractors, professionals (accountants/lawyers/engineers), insurance brokers, landscaping & snow removal, fire protection, alarm monitoring and many more. We also recognize that some clients have their own preference of service providers that we are happy to work with as well.
Some of the benefits our clients enjoy from our network of vendors are: